Presaturated wipes - PurWipe ® V-series

Origin: Hydroflex

V-Series | Presaturated wipes

Ready-to-use, safe and convenient

With our presaturated wipes of the PurWipe® V-series, Hydroflex has developed a solution which is ready- to-use from the first wipe. There is no need to use a separate disinfectant. Safely packed in a resealable pouch, the wipes can be removed individually and used immediately. V-series wipes eliminate the aerosol concentration caused by  spraying of disinfectant, the risk of incorrect dosing and time-consuming handling.

> No spray mist or aerosol concentration
> Immediately ready- to-use
> Individually removable
> Packed in a resealable pouch

The V3 and V4-series are presaturated with Isopropanol 70% and DI water 30%

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